Domestic Terrorism / Active Shooter

Active Shooter Incidents


  • Active shooter/Hostile Intruder incidents are increasing. According to the FBI, 45.6% occur in the commercial environment. (Source: Stop the Bleeding Coalition, 2016, statistics and map)
  • Frequency of events and number of casualties increasing.
  • "When seconds matter, the police, fire and EMS are minutes away."
  • Department of Homeland Security and the FBI advocate "Run, Hide, Fight". But how does this help your employee?
  • Run? When an incident occurs and panic ensues, do your employees know where to run?
  • Hide? Do they know where to hide or if they should hide? Are some places better than others?
  • Fight? How to fight an armed intruder when your employees are unarmed?
  • How do I take care of my coworker who has been shot?

Mass Casualty Incidents, 1999-2015

Basic lifesaving drills such as fire drills, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are current practices in many corporate environments. Why aren't techniques and drills for Active Shooters and the subsequent casualty care also being taught?

Mission Statement

The 3 most preventable causes of traumatic death are due to hemorrhage, chest wounds causing a tension pneumothorax, and airway obstruction. Whether it is workplace violence, a tragic event such as a shooting, or simply a major auto accident, the fate of the victim lies in the hands of the first to apply medical care. The first person on the scene of a tragic event is most often a bystander rushing to help or a law enforcement officer. The tragedy lies in the fact that trauma training to administer aid in the first several minutes is not widely taught. Hence the first people on the scene often do not have the knowledge to successfully affect the outcome of the injury and increase the probability of survival.

It is widely accepted that non medical personnel and the general public can learn how to do CPR and administer Basic Life Saving (BLS) skills for a potential heart attack victim, but why can the same person not be taught the basic trauma skills to prevent potentially fatal bleeding?

In any type of violent event, medically trained personnel may be minutes away, but the victim often only has seconds for life saving interventions to be applied. Thus the bystander rushing to help, the police officer who is first to arrive, or the company's on site security staff holds the fate of the victim in their hands. Are they appropriately trained to make a difference? Tactical Medical Consulting provides the training and the answers.

To learn about how we can support your efforts to better prepare your team,
contact us.


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